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July 18, 2020

Lawn Sprinklers can be a friendly tool until it develops a fault, and then it gets you frustrated. That moment, you want to call a lawn sprinkler repairer to drop by at your home and fix it. 


In this blog post, you will learn the common problems with sprinkler, and how to fix them. Lawn sprinkler repair can be complicated; if this is the first time you encounter an issue like this, this blog post promises to teach you simple ways on how to go about repairing them.


Identifying the common problems with lawn sprinklers 

Many times, lawn sprinklers do not suddenly develop faults, or stop working; they often show signs and symptoms that will make you know what the problems are. Your ability to recognize these signs before it develops a fault helps you identify the common problems with sprinkler controllers. Such common problems are;


The Controller is not working

Whenever the controller is not working at all, or effectively, you should suspect a problem. The controller of the sprinkler is similar to the human brain, and it governs the operations of the sprinkler. You must fix the lawn sprinkler as soon as possible, to prevent it from developing more fault. The following elements should be checked in sprinkler controllers.

  • As soon as you find out the controller isn’t working, ensure that the water is turned back.
  • After that, you should also ensure that the transformer output is at the right level.
  • Ensure that all the wires on the controller are in good shape
  • Also check the valves in the controller since most electrical gadgets develop fault inside their valve boxes.

You may need to call a sprinkler repairer when this happens or a possible replacement.


 Uneven Lawn Sprinklers Spray patterns

Are you wondering why your lawn sprinkler is not distributing water evenly? Did you notice that the sprinkler misses some spots? If yes, then it could be a sign that your sprinkler controller is faulty. Besides, it could also mean indicate that the sprinkler has a broken head that needs to be replaced or repaired. Hence you need to call a lawn sprinkler repairer.


The sprinkler is not coming up

Another common problem with lawn sprinklers is that the sprinkler head can be stuck. Whenever the sprinkler head doesn’t pop up, it could mean that there is a hindrance to the head of the sprinkler. This is quite easy to fix; whenever the sprinkler head does not pop up, check the head, and ensure that there are no dirt on the head of the sprinkler. The bottom line is debris and dirt can cause the head to stuck.


High or low pressure

Did you notice that your sprinkler head does not spray water everywhere? Whenever the sprinkler head does not pop up, or spray enough water, it is an indicator that there is low pressure. In the case of low pressure, there are few things to do, and note:

  • Ensure that there is no blockage in or around the spray head.
  • In the absence of any form of blockage, there could be an underground leakage somewhere that needs to be repaired.

Moreover, when sprinkler heads are not giving a steady and even spray, that is a sign that there is a high pressure on the sprinkler. Note that consistent high-water pressure affects the valves; hence it can lead to another problem.

To fix this, ensure that you install sprinkler heads that can help you control water pressure. Sprinkler heads will regulate water usage, spray, and evaporation.


Puddles around the sprinkler

Nothing is attractive about having puddles around the sprinkler, because they are going to make your landscape marshy and messy. Having puddles, or damp spots around sprinkler can be an indicator that there is a leak or maybe a high-water pressure on the sprinkler. It can also be an indicator that two heads are installed together, or there is a poor drainage system around you.


To fix this, adjust the watering schedule. Ensure that the sprinklers do not water too often, and there is proper drainage going on around you. After adjusting the sprinkler, and the landscape still looks marshy, then you need to find the source of leakage. Lawn sprinkler repairs can be done. In a case like this, the installment of check valves on sprinkler heads can be a good way to fix it.


These are common problems that you will face with lawn sprinklers in your home or farm. There is nothing complicated about fixing lawn sprinklers. All you need to do is find what is wrong; just a little adjustment on the position or head can fix the problem. However, if the problem is beyond your control, then you should give us a call as soon as possible to prevent more problems.

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